Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Shillig at the CanCun pool

I had such a good time at the Shillig Family Reunion. I am actually wearing the Shillig Family Reunion T-Shirt that Larkie gave to me while I am typing this entry.

Audrey and I came home from my ward on Sunday, Father's Day. She wanted to call her dad, Seth, and her brothers to wish them a Happy Father's Day. She started with her dad who wasn't home, so she called Seth, because it was his first Father's Day ever, and wished him a Happy Father's Day. After talking to Seth she talked to Larkie. Larkie asked her when we were leaving and we thought we were leaving on Tuesday, but Larkie said why don't you leave tomorrow because Mandi and Aaron will be at CanCun on Monday. Audrey called Aaron to wish him a Happy Father's Day and Aaron asked her when we were leaving, she said Monday, he said why don't you leave now because we are at CanCun....So....we were ready to go....we were so excited we left right away....We left at 6 and got down there about 12 midnight.

Aaron got me and Audrey a room, or maybe it was Lark, I don't know but we were set.

The next day we all went swimming at the pool. Here is a video of that.


Anonymous said...

how fun! i didn't realize everyone enjoyed cancun!

Katherine said...

I am glad that you could go to the reunion. It looks like you had a great time.