Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Larkie is Home, yay

Larkie came home today from her
Hawaii trip.  She and Atticus were gone for three weeks. 
Larkie was helping a friend.  We are so glad they are home.

1 comment:

Shillig8 said...

Carol you constantly amaze me. You have so much love that you give so freely, I love that you are a part of our family, and I can't even imagine the shilligs without you in the picture. I love how you listen to us, how you play with us, how you give us all advice. You are just an amazing person, and I hope you know it. I am so thankful to heavenly father for every single day that he blessed me by putting you into my life. I'm so glad you wouldn't let the STUPID Waterhouses take me away from you, and that you spent , and spend so much time with me. I love you Cawow